Friday, February 13, 2009

Wow, there's been so much that has happened since my last post.
On the 28th of Jan, my company laid off 46 people. I was very fortunate that I was not included in that. Notice that I didn't say effected... In my department there are 4 of us, the big boss, the back up boss, then the other 2 of us, it came down to that I could learn to do his job, but he it would be harder for him to match and learn my video skills. SO I was effected in that I am now learning a new aspect of the training department. I will not be booking venues for meetings, and setting up all that goes along with that. I guess I've added event coordinating to my job description. Plus there has been a huge push to get e-learning set up, to try and save on travel expenses. So that in itself is keeping me very busy.
I feel very fortunate to have a good job that I love and that is providing most of the things we need right now, since Rex hasn't had much work.
That leads us to this picture.....

this is a picture of the view from the hotel where Rex is staying in Key West, Florida. No he's not on vacation... he is working for Pac Tech Construction. He left on Feb 9th. He is suppose to be gone for 4 weeks then home for a week, then back out for 4 -5 weeks.... we'll see if it works that way or not.
I was definatly a basket case on Monday after dropping him off at the airport. But I'm finally adjusting to not having him here.
Its not the every day things that get to me... its just not being with him. It not fun at all.

Andrea received her FFA Green Hand award, and particitpated in the ceremony for a different award that was given, as she is the Jr. Secretary. She is "stationed by the ear of corn"... kinda an inside joke, is some thing she has to recite about what her duties as secretary are..

Basket ball is keeping us super busy, tonight is our last League game, it should be a nail biter. They beat us at home by one, at the buzzer.... Hope we can beat them tonight at their place. It will tie us for our Conference Title. Colton always waits for Josh after each game to give him a hug! They are great friends

Finally, I thought these were pretty funny pictures. Nathan changed the mattress on his bed, and decided to have some fun with the one he took off.... as Colton called it the "Stair Luge" It was pretty fun to watch! They were cracking up!

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